How to be happy (no matter what sh!t life throws at you!)


My e-book  is part-memoir, part personal development and it will make you laugh and cry whilst teaching you valuable life lessons.

Did you know that...

>> first grown-up job saw me working for a man with links to the Russian mafia, and I saw him in handcuffs on the evening news one Friday?

>>...I moved to France for 3 months...and end up staying there for 12 years?

>>...I met my husband in a bar when I was drunk? That 3 months after meeting him we moved in together, and that 6 months and 21 days after that fateful Saturday evening we got engaged?

>>...I nearly died after childbirth?

>>...I used to want to eBay my eldest daughter?

>>...I got accused of child abuse?

>> first business failed and led to me moving back into my childhood home as a 34 year old with a husband and 3 year old daughter in tow?

People often ask me how I am able to take things in my stride, to make such great decisions, to be happy and fulfilled in my life in general.

So I wrote a book with my stories and the lessons learnt from them to share with others.

Rated 5 stars on Amazon


How to be happy (no matter what sh!t life throws at you!) is part-memoir, part personal development.

Tracey Maurin went into more detail about her thoughts on it and shared this:

"Some of the things that made me laugh out loud:

>>...Jane the sex beast!

>>...Russian ballet dancer handshake! 

>>...The fact that French TV is indeed so shit!

>>...Wanting to eBay Léna (I also think your honesty here was brilliant as SO many of us have been / go through this and think we’re bad parents for having these thoughts)

>>...Mooing in labour with your lardy arse and cellulite thighs! (Again, brutal honesty to make you relatable and reassuring to real women) 

>>...The pelvic floor description in France whilst discussing Christmas plans! 

I love the way that you are so honest in the book which so many people will appreciate and relate to and find comfort in, especially:

>>...The shouty mummy

>>...Your honesty in the very troubled period in your marriage and losing yourself

>>...It was heart-breaking reading about your miscarriage and it gave me a clearer understanding as to how women are massively affected by this.

>>...It made me well up reading the Life Reboot Camp feedback about saving marriages – what you do is amazing.

>>...I loved the advice about watching kids while they sleep when they are going through very challenging phases.

>>...I loved the bit about when you got to Mauritius and Priscille turned up with a welcome basket – it made me feel all warm inside and I fell in love with Priscille who I don’t even know!

>>...Even though I have read about your journey through your blog, it was lovely reading it all in detail."


"I read Sophie's book on a train journey and absolutely loved it! I loved her honest style and the handy format of the book. It is packed with practical tips on how to be happier in all areas of your life.

You can read it from beginning to end or dip in and out and read the chapters that match your mood on a particular day; such a great feature for busy women/mums.

I found this book very inspiring. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me feel good! I can only recommend it!"

Violaine Kangou, France
Translator and mum of 3

“It’s taken me just an hour and 10 minutes to read your book, Sophie.

You’ve taken me from tears to laughter and through all of your highs and lows.

I loved every page and am sure it will inspire many more ladies to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.

You are amazing and thank you for everything you do.”

Jennifer Chamberlin, France
Jennifer Chamberlin - founder of My Bilingual VA and mum of 2 almost teenagers

"This is an amazing little book. I loved how everything is based on the twists and turns of Sophie’s life, it is so real, so relatable.
Sophie takes us on her journey and each event lends itself to a lesson on how to be simply happy in life.
Such a positive read with little tasks at the end of each chapter to help us reflect and take some actions ourselves.
Would totally recommend it!"

Beatrice Reid, Belgium
Interior Designer and Mum of 2

“I just finished your book...I LOVED reading it.

I LOVED that you shared so much with us so freely and willingly. It’s an amazing and inspirational read.

Women all over the world will enjoy sharing your journey and learning through your life experiences. You are truly amazing.”

Denise Pitot, Mauritius
Founder of Mauritius Business Network and mum of 3

What's included?

 How to be happy (no matter what sh!t life throws at you!) e-book

(This is the electronic book version to read on your Kindle, phone, tablet or computer. For the paperback version go to Amazon and search for my name.)