I amĀ the Life Reboot Queen

I help women who need a mum, sister or friend as they navigate relationships, parenting, work and self-love.

How reading saved me from my social media addiction

personal development May 04, 2021

In early 2014 I was completely addicted to social media and my phone. To the detriment of my health and my relationships.

A reading challenge that year changed all that and saved me from my social media addiction, and my life is so very different now.

Yesterday I finished reading my 30th book this year.

Last year I read 70 books in the year. A record for me (it's usually 50 something).

I'm not sharing this to brag, to compete or to make you feel bad.

Instead I want to share my reading story with you...

I grew up in a house of bookworms.

I learnt to read early and Saturday mornings were spent at the local library.

The biggest treat before going on our yearly holiday was a visit to the bookshop to buy a brand new book for the journey.

In primary school one Christmas I totally missed my call to go on stage in the nativity play as I was engrossed in a book backstage. My poor parents sat through an hour of kids reenacting the nativity story without my starring role - being in the...

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